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My friend Joanne and I were having dinner one night and I was telling her about another fiasco with my son’s services. She looked up from her meal and said, “You should write a blog about this. I bet other families are going through the same thing.”



So I thought about it, but decided that just venting in a blog wasn’t really going to inform anyone about the process. So I created Big Apple Oranges – and the blog – to help other special needs families find their way through this daunting process.


My only child has Fragile X, an inherited disorder that causes global developmental delays, cognitive impairment, seizure disorder, and autism. (One in 259 women worldwide carry the gene – on the X chromosome – and 1 in 800 men worldwide will pass the defective gene to all his daughters. A simple blood test can determine if you are a carrier.) My son needs a lot of help and services and I was always the ‘go to’ mom for other parents with questions.


Professionally, I am a licensed massage therapist (1978) specializing in prenatal, labor,and postpartum massage and I teach a professional course to massage practitioners and childbirth professionals all over the country. I have written 4 books and numerous magazine and journal articles on the topic. (www.MotherMassage.Net). I am also a licensee of the Tupler Technique ® and offer CoRehab – Diastasis Repair individual or class sessions.


Big Apple Oranges is here for you – for us – for our children. Tell others about it and let’s change the lives of our children.


Elaine Stillerman


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