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Step One: Getting an evaluation – If you think your child needs help: how to get an evaluation and the services your child needs.

Children develop in their own time and at their own pace. But if you think your child is late or slow in achieving his developmental milestones, whether they are physical or intellectual, it is a good idea to have an expert evaluate him for any serious delays or potential problems. If there is a problem, the earlier you get help, the better the outcome will be.

The Dept of Health and Mental Health (DOHMH) in New York City can put you in touch with professionals in each of the five boroughs to come to your home and evaluate your child. If your child qualifies for services, this evaluation will explain what services your child needs and how often he should receive them. From birth to age 3, Early Intervention (EI) evaluations are performed by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Call 311 to refer your child for an evaluation.
To locate an assessment team in your borough, go to: http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/earlyint/earlyint/earlydirectory.shtml or call the DOHMH at 212-639-9675.
The same website will list providers in your borough who will come to your home and provide the services that were recommended by the evaluation team. In some instances, services may be provided at a different site if needed.
There is no fee for either the evaluation or the recommended services. You are entitled to copies of these evaluations. Start a file of all evaluations and recommendations and any other documents you receive in your child’s behalf. This documentation may come in handy in the event that you request mediation or question a specific service or a school placement.


Advocates for Children puts out a Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders and Education". For the pdf, go to: http://www.advocatesforchildren.org/Sp%20Ed%20Autism%20Guide%2010.2011.pdf


New York State's Early Intervention Program: A Parent's Guide can be found at: http://www.health.ny.gov/publications/0532/index.htm.


For children ages birth to 3 years of age, evaluations are provided by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Early Intervention (EI) services are free and may include special instruction, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), or other techniques and methods tohelp your child.

For children ages 3-5, the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) performs the evaluation. The Dept of Education can refer you to your district chairperson for this evaluation. Services may include related services, Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT), integrated class, special class, or a home program.


For children 5 years and older, the Committee on Special Education (CSE) performs the evaluation. Services may include general ed with related services, Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS), integrated co-teaching (ICT or CTT), special class, District 75 class, District75 inclusion program, or ASD (Autism spectrum disorder) NEST program for high functioning children.



Childhood Milestones



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