Step Two: Pre-school and school
The Dept of Ed has a detailed manual on the entire evaluation, placement process entitled Standard Operating Procedures Manual: The Referral, Evaluation, and Placement for School Age Students With Disabilites:
For any questions about schools, contact for the Chairperson in your district.
2012 New Special Education website:
Advocates for Children puts out a Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders and Education. To download the pdf:
New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (NYSDDPC) has issued a revised, user friendly handbook on Special Education Laws, Policies, and Practices. To download, go to:
Special Education Hotline: The Department of Education’s Division of Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners is committed to supporting all families during the citywide expansion of the special education reform initiative.
To this end, it is with great enthusiasm that I am pleased to announce the launch of the Special Education Family Office Hours and a P311 hotline. These additional resources for families were conceived in partnership with former City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn and Education Committee Chair Robert Jackson.
Beginning August 1, 2012, families that need assistance can call a dedicated hotline for special education support at . In addition, families can always contact P311.
Family office hours will be held in nine sites across the five boroughs with day, evening, and weekend hours beginning July 31, 2012. During office hours, a special education specialist will be available for meetings with individual families to help resolve their questions about the special education reform and work to reach solutions to support their child. The complete schedule of dates, times and locations are in the attached chart, and also available through our family web site at:
We encourage you to share this information with families and communities. On behalf of all our students, I thank you for your ongoing collaboration and support.
From the very start, it is a good idea to keep records of your child’s schooling. Keeping them in chronological order and in separate files will make it easier to locate the documents you are looking for. These are some of the documents you want to maintain: report cards and progress reports; standardized test scores and alternative test scores; evaluation results; medical records as they relate to your child’s disability; IEP report and all official services plans; awards and citations; notices of disciplinary actions; behavioral reports; letters or notes between you and your child’s school; notices of scheduled meetings; student handbook; attendance record; samples or schoolwork and homework. For more information, go to
If your child is eligible for special education and/or services, the Committee (CPSE) meets to establish an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to meet your child’s unique needs. Your child will be given a ‘classification’ as defined by NYS law to determine his eligibility for special education services.
There are 13 different classifications: autism, deaf-blindness, hearing impairment, mental retardation (now called intellectual disability), orthopedic impairment, speech or language impairment, emotional disturbance, deafness, visual impairment, learning disability, multiple disabilities, other health impairment, and traumatic brain injury. (Please refer to the listing of “Special Classifications” in Step Four for resources specific to each classification.)
You may be present and an active participant at the IEP meeting. You can also bring a parent advocate, translator, or case worker to further explain the process to you and help you decide the services and programs that will best serve your child. There is no cost for the IEP and you will be given a copy for your records. Read it carefully to make sure all the services and goals you agreed with are clearly stated.
Services will be provided, free of charge, in the least restrictive environment. That means a preschooler will receive his services at his daycare or preschool, and a school age child will receive his services at school during his school day.
The IEP is updated annually, although you are within your rights to change your child’s IEP goals every 3 months or sooner if you feel a change is warranted. The changes will be made after a Committee meeting, or in the case of school age children, after the school’s evaluation team has met. You are welcome to attend all of these meetings with or without your advocate or case worker.
Once your child has his IEP and school placement, it is a good idea to follow-up as to whether or not these mandated services are being given to your child since there is often a shortage of qualified therapists to serve all the children in need. In the event your child does not receive all of his services, you can apply for make-up sessions through private practitioners by requesting a RSA letter from his school for those missed sessions. (see below).
IEP development that considers a variety of special ed supports and services is called ‘flexible programming’. It can be provided in all educational settings with less reliance on full time special ed progams. Flexible programming allows IEP teams to recommend services and supports by subject matter as necessary, without automatic assumption that the student requires a full-time special ed program.
Special Ed Itinerant Teacher (SEIT) SEIT services are services and therapies provided by certified special education teachers of an approved preschool program on an itinerant basis (meaning they travel to your child’s preschool or home) to a preschool student with a disability. The instruction can be individual or in a group setting.
If you think your child needs additional services than what he is receiving in preschool, request a meeting with the CPSE who will evaluate your child to determine his eligibility. Then if your child is approved for this additional service, an IEP is developed that contains the provision for SEIT. The teacher is paid by the Dept of Education and costs you nothing.
The Impartial hearing
If you are dissatisfied with the evaluation, placement, identification of your child’s disability, or the provision of a free appropriate public education for your child, you can request an Impartial Hearing (mediation). This hearing is a formal proceeding in which disagreements between you and the school district are decided by an impartial hearing officer appointed by the Department of Education.
The Impartial Hearing office is located at: 131 Livingston Street – Room 201 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Phone – 718-935-3280 Fax – 718-935-2528
There is no fee involved in this hearing process and you can bring your attorney (at your expense), parent advocate, or case worker. Make sure to bring all pertinent documents with you at the time of the hearing and make sure you have copies of everything you submit. You are also entitled to receive a round trip metro card to cover the costs of transportation to and from the hearing. Be sure to request this when the hearing is over.
To request an Impartial Hearing, call the number listed above or go to
You can also go to this link:
School age – 5-21 CSE
Once your child ages out of Early Intervention, he moves on to public school and is now processed through the Committee on Special Education.
The CSE oversees all public, parochial, and charter special ed schools within the five boroughs. The CSE assigns a case number for its public school students which will stay with your child as long as he is enrolled in public school.
You are welcome to visit as many schools as you need to determine the best placement for your child. Make a list of the pros and cons of each school. This will help clarify which schools can provide your child with the services and supports he needs. It also supports your case if you have an Impartial Hearing about placement by featuring the deficits of a school where CSE might want to send him. Make an appointment with the parent coordinator at each school to take a tour.
For a list of NYC Citywide Special Ed Schools (District 75):
For a list of NYC schools that offer inclusion programs:
For a list of NYS approved schools, visit:
If your child needs an air-conditioned school bus, a minibus, a specially modified bus or van, or a transportation paraprofessional, it must be written in his IEP.
Public Schools: Deciding the best placement – Inclusion classes or District 75?
This parents guide to special education will explain the special education process, your rights, how to get reimbursement for private education, and a lot of other valuable information. It is in a pdf form for you to download and print.
Another very helpful resource:
Inclusion Classes
Mayor Bloomberg has stated that he wants to see more children with disabilities included in public education by September, 2011. To accomplish this, more than 250 schools will have to accept more children with special needs in line with the national trend of inclusion. He is permitting principals and teachers to use greater flexibility in order to teach them. Students with the most severe disabilities will continue to receive their education in school settings reserved for special needs, District 75, the citywide Special Education district.
What is inclusion? The whole education model is designed to provide special education services in the least restrictive setting. Your child will attend his zoned school in an age appropriate classroom but is entitled to receive all the special education services and supports he needs.
The curriculum may be adapted or modified to his individual goals as required by his IEP, but he participates fully in the class. He maintains his classification, except the location and method of delivery of special education services change.
Inclusion still provides the ongoing support of his individual needs, appropriate staffing ratios (if his IEP mandates a para-professional – 1:1, he will have that), integrated related services, flexible and creative teaching strategies, and a team approach to service delivery, but in classes larger than self-contained classes.
Another term that is often heard is ‘Collaborative Team Teaching’. CTT is a classroom setting where instruction is provided by both a full-time general education teacher and a full-time special education teacher. The class can have up to 40% of students with IEPs and the rest without.
United We Stand ( provides advocacy to parents of children with special needs who want inclusion for their child but the CSE or the school is not supporting this option.
District 75 Classes
If inclusion classes don’t fit your child needs, or his disability is severe, the smaller, more intimate teaching environment may be right for him. District 75 is the city-wide special education system that offers educational, vocational, and behavioral support to students with special needs. There are 56 programs throughout the five boroughs that support students on the autistic spectrum, who are emotionally challenged, have sensory issues, or who have multiple physical disabilities.
Class size is small (6-12 students), with 1 special education teacher, and at least 1 paraprofessional. Your child may also have his own para if it is written in his IEP.
The mission of District 75, according to the NYCDOE, is to “provide appropriate standards-based educational programs, with related service support, to approximately 23,000 students with severe challenges, commensurate with their abilities”. This District seeks to maximize these children’s potential, help them become contributing members of society, and to help develop tools that will make these children self-sufficient and as independent as possible.
The District provides extended day programs that offer academic intervention strategies and extracurricular activities to improve social skills. They also follow the mandates of your child’s IEP to provide related services either individually or in a small group setting.
The District 75 offices are: 400 First Avenue, New York, NY 10010, 212-802-1500 Fax: 212-802-1678.
The Superintendent is Gary Hecht:
Deputy Superintendent is Barbara Joseph:
Citywide D75 Council members represent the parents of students in D75 schools. Their meetings are open to the public and held on the third Wednesday of each month at various locations throughout the city. [email protected].
The RSA Letter – receiving missed therapies
Many children are mandated services that schools cannot provide because there are too many children needing services and not enough providers. As a concerned parent, you have the right to make sure your child receives all the mandated services he needs (and is on his IEP). But if the school is unable to provide this, you can request an RSA (Related Services Authorization) Letter from your child’s principal, or
This letter grants approval for your child to have make-up sessions for the services he didn’t receive in school from an outside, non-DOE provider, listed in the DOE registry.
The parent must find the provider and set up the appointments, but the DOE will pay for the services. For a listing of all approved service providers for both preschool and school age children:
The DOE also provides a registry of all approved service providers in each borough so you can find someone close to your home. These providers can make up sessions in physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), speech therapy bilingual counseling, vision education services, and hearing education services.
Many public and private schools in NYC rely on RSAs to provide services to their students because of shortages in available related services and/or limited space. In 2012, the State Ed Dept (SED) informed approved non-public schools (NPS) that they are responsible for meeting all the related service needs of their students. The SED also indicated that if the NPS could not provide all related services written on a student’s IEP, the school should refer that student’s case back to DOE for a new school placement. As a result, parents have been asked to give up or reduce their child’s related services in NPS or have been told that they cannot keep their child child in a NPS due to related service needs.
Advocates for Children of New York are working to address this situation on a systemic level. , 646-801-1197.
Non-Public Schools – Private, Residential and Hospital Schooling
Private School Special Education (Non-Public School – NPS)
The Central Based Support Team (CBST) handles requests for private education. If you can demonstrate that the public education system has failed to or cannot meet your child’s needs, you are entitled to pursue a private education for your child.
The CBST has a checklist of documents that must be submitted in their entirety by the school based team. Failure to submit any of these documents might result in your child being denied private placement. It is in your child’s best interest to discuss the packet with the school based team before it is submitted to be certain everything is in order. The list includes: statement of assurance; documentation of LRE (least resistrictive environment); IEP that specifies “defer to CBST”; social history updates as close to the IEP as possible, but not older than 6 months; psychological with cognitive scores no older than 3 years from the date of the IEP; (if an IQ score cannot be determined, that must be stated in the psychological); education within 6 months of the IEP; psychiatric (if applicable) within 12 months of the IEP. Other reports relevant to your case: neurological; neuropsychological; speech and language; occupational therapy; physical therapy; CAPD eval/audiological eval; teacher reports; FBA/BIP (Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan); medical; and release of records to NYCDOE and HIPAA release.
You must request a Special Education Mediation and bring as much documentation and proof that demonstrates that the current public education fails to meet your child’s needs and that your child would be better served in a private school setting. You may bring your attorney (at your expense), parent advocate, case worker, or interpreter to the hearing. During your hearing or appeal, your child will stay in his current school placement (“pendency”).
This is a long and arduous process, so having an attorney is highly recommended, usually essential. New regulations now require yearly hearings to prove that private placement is the best choice for your child. That means a yearly investment of time and financial resources until your child turns 21.
While there is no cost for the hearing, private school tuition is your responsibility. However, you can request an impartial hearing for tuition reimbursement.
You have a better chance of getting tuition covered if you can prove that the public education system failed or was not able to meet your child’s special needs and that the private education placement does meet his needs. It is highly recommended to bring an attorney or advocate to this hearing since you are basically suing the DOE to pay for this private placement.
You can also purchase a guide to private schools from .
Residential Schools
Residential programs are private schools where the child goes to school and lives. The process of finding placement in a residential program is the same as for any private school placement. A hearing must be held to determine if a residential setting is the best setting for your child.
You can bring your attorney, parent advocate, case worker, or interpreter to the meeting. Your documentation must prove that the public school setting failed to or cannot meet your child’s needs and that the residential program can. Reimbursement will only be considered if the New York State approved program satisfies these criteria. During your hearing or appeal, your child will stay in his current placement (“pendency”). Be prepared for a long and drawn-out process.
You may visit as many residential schools as you would like by contacting the director of each school to learn what their visitation policies are and when they hold open house. A visit does not necessarily mean that this is the appropriate placement or that there is an opening for your child.
Three types of housing options are available: Traditional Certified Residential Options, Assistance and supports in non-certified settings; and assistance with Home Ownership.
A brief description of autism residential placement programs available in New York State are listed below.
Visiting Your Child: Transportation Reimbursement. Each year, from July 1 – June 30, the CBST will either reimburse your travel expenses or provide door-to-door round trip car service so you can visit with your child at their residence. To get the Transportation Reimbursement Form, contact the CBST – Megan Byfield, , 212-356-4761. To arrange for car service, call Gregg Rein at 718-935-4914. If you travel to pick up your child, and then arrange another car service to return the child to school, that is considered as one round trip. There is also an additional service, called Summer Vacation, that leaves June 30 and returns whenever you choose. This Summer service is in addition to the 4 round trips or reimbursements.
There is no cost to parents.
Intermediate Care Facility (ICF)
An ICF facility usually range in size from 10 to 24 beds. This model provides 24-hour intensive support with medical and/or behavioral services and daily living skills training. ICF programs include room and board, continuous 24-hour supervision, and professionally developed and supervised activities, experiences or therapies developed for each individual by an interdisciplinary team. Services include occupational, physical, and speech therapy, and psychology, social work, nursing, nutrition and recreation.
Supervised Community Residence or Individual Residential Alternative (IRA)
An IRA model provides housing, supplies and services for persons with developmental disabilities who require 24-hour assistance and training in daily living skills. In addition, individuals receive assistance with supportive interpersonal relationships and supervision.
Community residences are designed to provide a home environment and a setting where persons can acquire the skills necessary to live as independently as possible. These residents provide housing with practice in independent living and individually determined amounts of oversight delivered in accordance with the individual’s need for such supervision. Supervised community residence usually range in size from 4 to 14 people.
Contact the DDSO in your borough for more information about the process for residential schools:
Brooklyn: 718-642-5151
Bronx: 718-430-0478
Manhattan: 212-229-3122, 3123
Queens: 718-217-4242
Staten Island: 718-982-1903
Please note that OMRDD is now called OPWDD – Office of People with Developmental Disabilities.
Hospital Schooling
The DOE is required to provide an education to all students who are in the hospital.
The Nickerson Letter (the P-1 Letter) requires the DOE to pay the tuition for the school year of any state-approved special education non-public school (NPS) that accepts your child.
You can request this letter if your child has not received special education before and is recommended for a self-contained class which the DOE fails to provide within 60 days from your consent to special education services. In addition, if your child is already in a special education placement within 60 days of your child being re-referred for the special education review process, or if your child does not receive a special education placement for the following school year by August 15, you are entitled to a Nickerson Letter.
Along with the P-1 you will receive a list of eligible NPS schools. This list does not guarantee you will be able to find a school for your child or that there is an opening for him. If you do not find a NPS, the DOE must still provide appropriate placement. Even if there is an expiration date on your P-1, you can still use it if the DOE has not found appropriate placement.
The Nickerson Letter
The Nickerson Letter (the P-1 Letter) requires the DOE to pay the tuition for the school year of any state-approved special education non-public school (NPS) that accepts your child. You can request this letter if your child has not received special education before and is recommended for a self-contained class which the DOE fails to provide within 60 days from your consent to special education services.
In addition, if your child is already in a special education placement within 60 days of your child being re-referred for the special education review process, or if your child does not receive a special education placement for the following school year by August 15, you are entitled to a Nickerson Letter.
Along with the P-1 you will receive a list of eligible NPS schools. This list does not guarantee you will be able to find a school for your child or that there is an opening for him. If you do not find a NPS, the DOE must still provide appropriate placement.
Even if there is an expiration date on your P-1, you can still use it if the DOE has not found appropriate placement.
It is advisable to contact an attorney or advocate in the event you cannot find appropriate placement.
Home Schooling
Some parents believe that home schooling their child is in their child’s best interests. New York State has very stringent regulations regarding home schooling and a lot of paperwork to file.
You start by filing a Letter of Intent to the New York Central Office of Home Schooling. The address is 333 Seventh, 12th floor, New York, NY 10001.
This letter should be short (2-3 sentences) and to the point. Make your intentions clear; don’t ask for permission. A sample of the letter of intent may be found at:
Then you submit an IHIP (individualized home instruction program) which includes the syllabi, a list of the textbooks you intend to use or a plan of instruction, the dates you will submit your quarterly reports, and the name(s) of persons who will be providing the instruction.
You have to maintain attendance records. A child who is 6 on or before December 1st of any given school year is under compulsory attendance until the end the school year in which he turns 16 or until he graduates. There are 180 days of required instruction: 900 hours in 1st through 6th grade and 990 hours in 7th through 12th grade.
Four times a year you have to submit quarterly reports that provide information on the number of total hours of instruction your child received each quarter, a description of the course content in each subject, and either a grade or a narrative evaluation of each subject.
Finally, once a year an annual assessment must be submitted. In grades K-3, this can be a standardized test, a narrative evaluation, a peer review panel, or an assessment made by a certified teacher. In grades 4-8, the annual assessment must be a standardized test every other year. In 9th grade, a yearly standardized test must be submitted. In order to remain in the home setting, your child has to have a composite score above the 33rd percentile.
If a private teacher is hired, this teacher must be licensed and competent. A parent is considered a competent teacher if all appropriate paperwork is submitted. Parents also have to make sure that all required subjects are taught at the appropriate age. The DOE will provide information about these required subjects.
NYC has numerous groups offering advice about home schooling for special needs children.
Important Education Documents you should read
Educating yourself about the process before you begin can take the sting out of it and make it less overwhelming. It also helps tremendously in getting the right placement and services for your child. These documents will explain the process of special education and inform you of your rights and those of your child.
- Special Education in New York State for Children Ages 3-21, A Parent’s Guide. Your CSE or school based support team will have it, or go to
- Revised Procedural Safeguards Notice. Your CSE or SBST will have it, or go to
- The addendum to Parents Guide for Special Education:
- Children First Reforms in Special Education:
- Special Education Services as Part of a Unified Service Delivery System:
- Creating a Quality IEP:
- 212-947-9779
- The Special Education Guide written by the NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
Transition Planning: From School to Adult Life
We all struggle with the question, “what happens after school is over?” Careful planning can make the transition easier for your child and your family. Transition planning is the process schools use to assist students with disabilities and their families as they plan for their post-school future. The plan should be in effect by age 15 or earlier.
- addresses questions parents have
- Parent training and information centers:
- State Ed Dept transition planning: www/
- Transition planning timeline:
OPWDD offers a variety of supports and services.
Day services: www/
Residential supports:
Acronyms of Special Education
People in the system toss around acronyms as if they were actual words. Parents new to the process are often left wondering exactly what these professionals are talking about or what it means on your child’s IEP. So here is a list of commonly used acronyms so you can translate their meanings without having to ask (again).
AAC | Adaptive and Augmentative Communication |
ABA | Applied Behavioral Analysis |
ABLLS | Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills |
ACS | Administration for Children’s Services |
AED/CPR | Activities of Daily Living |
ADL | Activities of Daily Living |
AED | Automated External Defibrillators |
AGLIS | Alternate Grade Level Indicators |
AHS | Alternative High School |
AIDP | Attendance Improvement Dropout Prevention |
AIS | Academic Intervention Services |
ALS | Activity Living Skills |
APE | Adapted Physical Education |
API | Alternate Performance Indicators |
ARIS | Achievement Reporting/Innovation System |
ASP | Afterschool Program |
AT | Assisted Technology |
AU | Autism |
BEDS | Basic Educational Data Survey |
BESIS | Bilingual Education Student Information Survey |
BIP | Behavior Intervention Plan |
CAP | Child Assistance Program |
CBST | Central Based Support Team |
CEC | Council on Exceptional Children |
CFI | Children First Initiative |
CHAMPS | Middle School Fitness |
CO | Counseling |
CP | Crisis Paraprofessional |
CPR | Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation |
CPSE | Committee on Preschool Education |
CSE | Committee on Special Education |
CTB-M | Citywide Math Test |
CTB-R | Citywide Reading Test |
CTT | Collaborative Team Teaching |
DCAS | Dept of Citywide Administrative Services |
DCEP | District Comprehensive Education Plan |
DD | Developmental Disabilities |
DIBELS | Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills |
Df | Deaf |
DO | District Office |
DOE | Dept. of Education |
DOHMH | Dept of Health and Mental Health |
DRA | Developmental Reading Assessment |
DSF | Division of School Facilities |
DTT | Discrete Trial Training |
ECLAS | Early Childhood Literary Assessment (K-3) |
ED | Emotionally Disturbed |
EDM | Everyday Math |
E-IEP | Electronic IEP |
ELA | English Language Arts |
ELE | Spanish Reading Test |
ELL | English Language Learners |
ElSol | Spanish equivalent of ECLAS |
ELSS | Everyday Language School System |
EM | Everyday Math |
EPAL 2 or 3 | Early Performance Assessment in Language |
EPC | Education Planning Conference |
ERT | Educational Released Time |
ESL | English as a Second Language |
EVS | Education Vision Services |
FAPE | Free Appropriate Public Education |
FBA | Functional Behavioral Assessment |
FERPA | Family Education Rights and Privacy Act |
FNS | Final Notice of Recommendation |
GE | General Education |
GED | General Education Development |
GSF | General School Funds |
HES | Hearing Education Services |
HH | Hard of Hearing |
HI | Home Instruction |
HLIS | Home Language Identification Survey |
HS | Home Schooling |
HSP | Hospital Schools Program |
HSST | High School Scheduling and Transcripts |
IAUP | Internet Acceptable Use Policy |
IBS | Intensive Behavioral Services |
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
IEP | Individualized Education Plan |
IFP | Institutional Facilities Program |
IFSP | Individualized Family Service Plan |
IH | Impartial Hearing |
IHS | Interim Home School |
ISC | Integrated Service Center |
ITA | Instructional Targeted Assessment |
Lab-R | Language Assessment Battery |
LAP | Language Allocation Policy |
LD | Learning Disabled |
LED | Limited English Proficiency |
LID | Lead Instructional Mentor |
LOC | Level of Compliance |
LODI | Line of Duty Injuries |
LOR | Level of Risk |
LRE | Least Restrictive Environment |
LSCI | Life Space Crisis Intervention |
MDR | Manifest Determination Review |
MH | Multiply Handicapped |
MR | Mentally Retarded (changed to Intellectual Disability) |
MS | Middle School |
NCLB | No Child Left Behind |
NET | Natural Environment Training |
NLA | Native Language Art |
NPS | Non-Public School |
NYSAA | New York State Alternate Assessment |
NYSED | New York State Education Dept. |
NYSESLAT | New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test |
NYSS | New York State Software |
NYST | New York State Textbook |
OA | Office of Accountability |
OCR | Office of Compliance Services |
OFEA | Office for Family Engagement and Advocacy |
OHI | Other Health Impaired |
OI | Orthopedically Impaired |
OIH | Office of Impartial Hearing |
OIS | Office of Interpreter Services |
OORS | Online Occurrence Reporting System |
OPCE | Office of Parent and Community Engagement |
OPT | Office of Pupil Transportation |
OPTIONS | Opportunity, Purpose, Technology, Innovations, Organizational Network Solutions |
OPWDD | Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (formerly OMRDD) |
ORCS | Office of Related and Contractual Services |
OSCI | Office of Special Commissioner Investigation |
OSEPO | Office of Student Enrollment Planning and Operations |
OSFNS | Office of Food and Nutrition Services |
OSH | Office of Student Health |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OSI | Office of Special Investigation |
OT | Occupational Therapy |
OTPS | Other than Personnel Service |
PAL | Preschool Acceptance Letter |
PBIS | Positive Behavior Intervention Support |
PBS | Positive Behavior Support |
PC | Parent Coordinator |
PDD | Pervasive Developmental Disorder |
PECS | Picture Exchange Communication System |
PID | Promotion in Doubt |
PIF | Planned Intervention Form |
PIP | Personal Intervention Plan |
PPR | Principal Performance Review |
PPT | Pupil Personnel Team |
PSO | Parent Support Office |
PT | Physical Therapy |
QRI | Quality Reading Inventory |
RCT | Regents Competency Test |
RS | Related Services |
RSA | Related Services Authorization |
RTI | Response to Intervention |
SAPIS | Substance Abuse Prevention Intervention Specialist |
SCA | School Construction Authority |
SCEP | School Comprehensive Educational Plan |
SCR | State Central Registry (For abuse/ maltreatment) |
SED | State Education Dept. |
SESLP | Special Education Sign Language Paraprofessional |
SETRC | Special Education Training and Resource Center |
SETSS | Special Education Teacher Supports and Services |
SI | Speech Impaired |
SIEBEL | DOE 311 Report |
SIS | Student Information System |
SLT | School Leadership Team |
SOHO | Suspensions and Office of Hearings Online |
SPYFSS | Student Placement Youth Family Support Services |
SRAC | Senior Regional Assessment Coordinator |
SSA | School Safety Agent |
STOPP | Strategies, Techniques, and Options Prior to Placement |
SWIS | School-wide Information System |
TAC | Technical Assistance Conference |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury |
TCI | Therapeutic Crisis Intervention |
TEACCH | Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children |
VADIR | Violent and Disruptive Incidents Report |
VESID | Vocational Education Services for Individuals with Disabilities |
VI | Visually Impaired |
VSA | Very Special Arts |
YABC | Young Adult Borough Centers |
YDFSCSS | Youth Development Family and School Community Support Services |
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